Dear Fathers and Brothers,

We are proudly celebrating the 195th Anniversary of the approval of the Constitutions and Rules of our Congregation on the 17th of February. (This year the date falls on the Ash Wednesday; we have anticipated the celebration for the 16th of February) I remain along with the same feeling of St. Eugene de Mazenod, our Founder, that “My dear brothers, on February 17, 1826, yesterday evening, the Sovereign Pontiff Leo XII confirmed the decision of the congregation of Cardinals and specifically approved the Institute, the Rules and Constitutions of the Missionary Oblates of the Most Holy and Immaculate Virgin Mary, and accompanied this solemn act of his pontifical power, with most admiring words for those who happily form this Society from which the head of the Church indeed expects the greatest good.”

The day reminds us of two things; first of all it a joy that we are called “Pontifical Congregation”; second of all that it gives us an identity. As our Oblate Tradition calls us to do, we give thanks for the grace of our vocation. This is a cause for gratitude and joy. The history of our Congregation is as unique as the story of each Vocation. Every Oblate is worthwhile and they deserve to be called ‘Worthy Servants for/of Christ’.

There will be a solemn Eucharist at Thodarpaham, Jaffna at 10.00 am followed by fellowship lunch.

Wish you happy feast dear Oblates….


10.00 Arrival

10.30 Bp. Justin B. Gnanapragasam, the Bishop of Jaffna will address the Oblates

11.15  Break

11.30  Eucharistic Celebration will be presided over by the Bishop.

12.30 Festive Lunch

The Organizers for the Day

  1. The Arrangement of the Conference Hall: Rev. Frs. S. A.  Sutharson, OMI and I. S.  Vijendran, OMI;
  2. Sound System: Rev. Fr. A. Jude Carowf, OMI;
  3. Liturgy: The Committee for the Liturgy of the Province:   Rev. Frs. S.J. Surenthirarajah, OMI,  A. Amalathas, OMI,  A.A.X. Amalraj, OMI,  S. Patrick  Leo, OMI,  J. J. Kamalananthan, OMI;
  4. Chapel Arrangements: Holy Family Sisters;
  5. Food and Accommodation: Rev. Frs. J. Raj Claier, OMI and  A.S. Jenis, OMI;
  6. Coordinators: Rev. Frs. E. Godfrey Joel, OMI, F. L. N. Croos, OMI,  the Provincial Treasurer.

Rev. Fr. Eugene Benedict, OMI

The Provincial Superior.