How do we remedy this situation?

A meaningful celibate life depends on how far we want to become men of ascetism and prayer.

The Greek word for Ascetism is “Askesis”, exercise or training of athletes in preparation for a contest. Training demands various kids of restrictions and self-denial. Ascetism has to be understood in its proper sense. It paves way to lead a life of intimacy with God . We should not confuse it with penitential practices whereby we do some kind of abstinence for the atonement of our sins. The spiritual authors consider it as something positive rather than a negative

reality of deprivation. It helps us to avoid sin and helps us to grow in grace and virtues. It raises the mind towards divine realities so that the heart yearns for the intimacy of God. The consequences of Original sin still remain with us ( concupiscence) since our human nature is wounded and this leads to a struggle within us between flesh and Spirit ( Gal 5:17). So we are forced to launch a struggle against the world, the flesh and the devil (Rom 8;5-10)when St. Paul uses the word” flesh” he doesn’t mean Body as Body is good as it is the temple of the Holy Spirit.. He refers to three-fold lusts namely the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life ( Gal 5: 19-23), ( Titus 1:15)

Asceticism helps us to see sexuality as positive and it is a God given gift to enable us to enter into wholesome and enriching relationships in our ministry.-The intimacy of relationship within a celibate life should lead to a life of maturity and we are called to enter into a intimate relationship with God as God embraces us as we are in His love, This applies too in our relationship with other , first of all with our fellow brother priests as well as with others. We meet and reveal God who is Love only through others.

Fr. Paul Bernier: The dangerous relationships are those that come from our deficiency needs.. We may lack relationships within the priestly circle and feel unwanted, unaccepted and that leads to see exclusive relation ships outsiede where you feel wanted in love and experience acceptance. As priests do we affirm each other and bear one another in their trials and loneliness?

Being rooted in Christ is important if we want to be a joyous priest. When there is no real experience og God in the life of the priests he becomes a functionary and gives into worldly pleasures. It should be the love of God which should motivate the actions of the priest . The only he can be faithful to His master in everything. So celibate life become a sign of God’ love for all His people. For the celibate every decision to remain faithful is an act of love for God that is real and it will undoubtedly strengthen one’s relationship with God.

As Fr. Paul Bernier says:” what is wrong is not celibacy but celibate people who have not been formed to face the challenges to celibacy”.