
Eleven Juniorists were initiated into the Pre-Novitiate on the 02nd of February, 2021 at Gnanodhayam. The Eucharist was presided by Rev. Fr. Eugene Benedict, OMI, the Provincial Superior. In his homily, Fr. Provincial insisted the significance of the calling and the freedom to respond to that call. He elaborated clearly as to how God actualizes each one for his purpose. We also thank Fr. Aloysius Roy, OMI for having accepted the appointment to be the Pre-Novitiate Director for the second term. Out of eleven, three of the pre-novices are from the Province of Jaffna. They are, M. Rajmathushan from Kaddaikadu, Jeyaseelan Dishan Assicianvaz from Periyapandivirichan, and Pontasa Jude Prashanthan from Kaddaikadu. We wish all of them a fruitful journey.

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