Let us extend our generous hands…

It was on the 12th of March, some members from the Sons of De Mazenod made an attempt to merge the spiritual activity of lent and the charitable sharing with the poor children together. They set out to Kanagarayan Kulam and distributed gifts to the Nursery children with the help of Rev. Fr. Varathan Croos, OMI, the Parish Priest. It was extremely difficult to see the struggles of those people in ‘Lyca Gnanam Village’ and their expectation for a better future generation nurturing the children with minimum facilities, gave confidence and satisfaction for those who intended to help them. It is only then that they realized that they did their very best, opened their eyes to thinking furthermore to gain confidence. As the second part of the programme, they went to Thandikulam and followed the Way of the Cross.
Thanks to Rev. Fr. Arul Sutharson, OMI, the Coordinator of the ‘Sons of De Mazenod’ and the others for their unstinted support rendered.

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