Father Superior General Sends his Wishes to www.omijaffna.com

   Blessings to the Oblates of Mary Immaculate of Jaffna Province!  Yesterday      we    celebrated the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord and the Church celebrated also the     World Communications Day.  Today is the Feast of Saint Eugene and as you inaugurate your   Province website I ask Saint Eugene’s blessing on this new initiative for the Province.

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Two New Oblate Priests for the Province of Jaffna

Two Oblate Deacons Bro. Sebastian Rawel OMI and Bro. Sebastian reginald OMI were ordained into ministerial priesthood in Mannar yesterday (17.05.2012). Rt. Rev. Dr. Rayappu Joseph, the Bishop of  Mannar   ordained  them at St. Sebastian Cathedral in Mannar. The New Priests will take over their new missions in the near future.

ANJALI AHAM : Psychosocial Counselling Centre, Point Pedro

ANJALI AHAM : Psychosocial Counselling Centre

Anjali Aham, the Psychosocial Counselling Centre was started to address the acute needs of the psychosocial problems of trauma, grief and other psychological problems people encountered especially after the war and Tsunami  The target groups consist of widows, children, differently able children, youth and members of bereaved families.

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Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord – 20.05.2012

The ascension or the return of Christ to heaven, in his human but glorified body, is the culmination, the sign and seal of the accomplishment of his salvific mission on Earth. He, the son of God, the second divine Person of the Blessed Trinity became man, lived and died on this earth so that we men could live with God forever in heaven. By his death on the cross, he reconciled sinful man with his divine Creator. His human death earned for us a share in the divine life. His resurrection is the divine guarantee that we too shall rise again, and his ascension to the Father is the prelude to our entrance into God’s everlasting kingdom.

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