The name “Sons of De Mazenod” was born from the heart of Rev. Fr. Eugene Benedict, OMI, the Provincial Superior. He said that we all share the same Charism in our hearts and lives. This is how it was initiated to gather all the ex-seminarians to be with them and to develop the same friendship and the companionship. They were gathered together on the 17th of April, at the Provincialate at the kind request of Rev. Fr. Provincial Superior and shared their valuable experiences. There were thirty five participants who shared their rich experiences with the provincial and with one another. They were very grateful to the vocation that they received.

It was assured of their valuable co-operation in the Oblate Missions. They are eager and enthusiastic to promote vocations in their families and villages. They promised that they like to help the students in their formation.

Of course, they are now very proud to be called “SONS OF DE MAZENOD”, experiencing the filial love of the founder and his Congregation. They said that they feel that this is their own identity. The Provincial emphasized that “wherever you are, and whatever you do, be reminded of one thing that you inculcate the love for the Church, love for the poor and love for our Province”. The programme was well arranged and it was very meaningful.

We pray for one another and continuously and grow in our vocation as Oblate families.

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