The Grand Mission in Delft

“Let’s be the Church of solidarity through the life of Small Christian communities (SCC)”

It serves many purposes for a ‘Grand Mission’ to be conducted in Delft during 20th of February to 20th of March, 2022. The Covid-19 situation, and the forex crisis in the country have an impact on the people for the lukewarm response to the spiritual activities in the Church that now prevails generally everywhere. Therefore, it was a dire need at this juncture to respond to the spiritual needs and the thirst of the people in Delft. In response to the Parish Priest, the Preaching Band Community started their one month journey closely with the people accompanying them pastorally, friendly, socially and with missionary zeal.

It is good to understand and weigh the traditional faith of the people through the family visit, Eucharistic celebration, pious activities, prayers, seminar, and conferences and so on. The faith that they inculcated is the manifestation of their strong belief in Christ Jesus and in the Church and also the witnessing values and missionary zeal of the past Priests and Religious.

It was an honour to have the Oblates preach the retreat of thirty days to these people for a renewal in their life, strenuous efforts in their faith and dedication in their spiritual activities. A special thanks are due to the Preaching Band community who initiated this effort and made it possible and successful.

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